Ecological Gardener Training Program
The 16-week Ecological Gardener Training program is facilitated in collaboration with the Horn Farm Center.
For more information: https://hornfarmcenter.org/ecological-gardener-training/
The 16-week Ecological Gardener Training program is facilitated in collaboration with the Horn Farm Center.
For more information: https://hornfarmcenter.org/ecological-gardener-training/
Polish your ecological gardening practice in this guided series with Elyse Jurgen.
Designing Layered Landscapes, 4/26 1-4pm
Creating Native Plant Communities, 5/17 1-3pm
Navigating Non-Chemical Restoration, 6/21 1-3pm
Sign-up for all three for a discount or take a single class to fulfill your ecological design learning needs.
Learn more here: https://issuu.com/mtcuba/docs/24022-f2024_program_guide-digital
New! Certificate Program. In collaboration with the Horn Farm and Reviving Wisdom, this three-day Ecological Restoration Certificate explores compassionate land stewardship through hands-on learning. No chemicals permitted, simply people and plant power! Designed for professionals, aspiring stewards, conservation volunteers, and landowners..
To secure your spot, visit: https://hornfarmcenter.org/eco-restoration-cert/
Join Waxwing’s Elyse Jurgen to learn about “Native Plant Allies: A Non-Chemical Approach to Ecological Gardening”
The Habitat Advocate Certificate is facilitated in collaboration with the Lancaster Conservancy.
For more information: https://www.lancasterconservancy.org/engaging-our-community/habitat/habitat-advocate/
Join the Chautauqua Community in Mount Gretna for an educational lecture on Ecological Gardening with Elyse Jurgen of Waxwing EcoWorks! Explore the 5 E’s of Ecological Gardening to get your space planned and buzzing with wildlife.
Elyse Jurgen of Waxwing EcoWorks Co. and Jack Howell of SACA (Spanish American Community Association) will present at the 2024 Pennsylvania Downtown Center Conference. The conference will highlight collaborations among communities and innovative examples of how we can accomplish more by working together. This session showcases the collaborative efforts of the Pershing Avenue Clean & Green project in Lancaster city; involving hands-on residential involvement, thoughtful observation, litter removal, and native plantings.
Ascension Lutheran invites Elyse Jurgen of Waxwing EcoWorks to present on ways to create native habitats where you Live, Learn, Work, Play, and Worship. Mike Hudson of Interfaith Partners of the Chesapeake Bay will also share on their work. Open to the community!
The Environmental Action Resource Committee will host Elyse Jurgen of Waxwing EcoWorks Co. to share with residents ways to integrate native plants in their garden spaces.
Waxwing’s, Elyse Jurgen, will be a keynote speaker on “Native Plant Allies: A Non-Chemical Approach to Ecological Restoration”.
Tickets: https://extension.psu.edu/gardenwise
FB Event Post: https://www.facebook.com/events/1063874584761089
The Habitat Advocate Certificate is facilitated in collaboration with the Lancaster Conservancy.
For more information: https://www.lancasterconservancy.org/engaging-our-community/habitat/habitat-advocate/
The 16-week Ecological Gardener Training program is facilitated in collaboration with the Horn Farm Center.
For more information: https://hornfarmcenter.org/ecological-gardener-training/
Waxwing’s, Elyse Jurgen, will facilitate a Professional Development session for Philadelphia educators within the Community of Practice Presentation on the topic of “Teaching and Learning about Native Plants in Schoolyards”.
The 16-week Ecological Gardener Training program is facilitated in collaboration with the Horn Farm Center.
For more information: https://hornfarmcenter.org/ecological-gardener-training/
The Habitat Advocate Certificate is facilitated in collaboration with the Lancaster Conservancy.
For more information: https://www.lancasterconservancy.org/engaging-our-community/habitat/habitat-advocate/
Are you ready to convert lawn into habitat? Are you seeking an approach that is calmer to the eye with a native plant palette that is shorter than traditional meadows?
Join fellow native garden enthusiasts to learn about versatile native sedges and to activate our collaborative design as part of a lawn to sedge meadow conversion on the Homefields grounds.
Our collaborative planting project will use native landscape plugs grown from volunteer Matt Dilley and Kind Earth Growers.
Please bring your favorite hand digging trowel, gloves, water bottle, and sturdy shoes. Participants will receive free native landscape plugs as a thank you for rebuilding biodiversity at Homefields!
To Purchase Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/native-sedge-meadow-design-workshop-tickets-294937013547
Ecological Gardening presentation to Loudoun County, VA Master Gardeners, as part of their 2022 Symposium.
Ecological Gardening presentation to the York Master Gardener’s, as part of their 2022 Symposium.
16-week Ecological Gardener Training program, facilitated in collaboration with the Horn Farm Center, in York, PA.
For more information: https://hornfarmcenter.org/ecological-gardening-training-program/
Explore how to transform a weedy patch in your piece of the planet into a high-functioning wildlife habitat! This outdoor workshop will help develop the skills in:
Common weed identification
Ecological practices for weed management
Ecological practices to repopulate a space into a biodiverse garden
Our collaborative planting project will involve editing the herbaceous layer of the existing Miyawaki Plot (rapid forest planting technique) at Homefields, sowing early successional seeds and planting native landscape plugs, grown from volunteer Matt Dilley and KindEarth Growers.
Please bring your favorite hand trowel, gloves, water bottle, and sturdy shoes. Participants will receive free native landscape plugs as a thank you for rebuilding biodiversity at Homefields!
For tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/from-weeds-to-wildlife-habitat-tickets-167937717233
On-line class
Explore 15 ecological valuable native plants that serve as medicinals/edibles that will get you started on your next homegrown apothecary or community garden project. Grab your morning cup of coffee or tea and virtually join in with other ecological gardeners that have a similar vision of diversifying their landscape with native plants to meet their needs, while also aiding in building essential habitat for wildlife.
Hosted by Horn Farm.
For Tickets: https://hornfarmcenter.org/civimessages/?civiwp=CiviCRM&q=civicrm%2Fevent%2Finfo&reset=1&id=731
The Zoom link will be emailed to you after registration.
On-line class
Explore 15 ecological valuable native plants that serve as medicinals/edibles that will get you started on your next homegrown apothecary or community garden project. Grab your morning cup of coffee or tea and virtually join in with other ecological gardeners that have a similar vision of diversifying their landscape with native plants to meet their needs, while also aiding in building essential habitat for wildlife.
Hosted by Homefields.
For Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/native-medicinal-and-edible-plants-tickets-134652736961
The Zoom link will be emailed to you after registration.
On-line Class
Uncover 7 powerhouse native plants worthy of wildlife’s 5-star review! Whether it be for sustaining a bird’s stamina for winter migration, providing ample nectar for hungry bees and butterflies, or serving as a host plant for hundreds of juicy caterpillars to fuel the ecosystem food web, these native plants pack a punch in their ecological services. Collaborate with workshop peers on how to put this research into compassionate action, right in your backyard!
Hosted by Horn Farm.
For Tickets: https://hornfarmcenter.org/civimessages/?civiwp=CiviCRM&q=civicrm%2Fevent%2Finfo&reset=1&id=730
The Zoom link will be emailed to you after registration.
On-line class
Our home gardens are often designed for the warm growing season, overlooking the potential of a stunning winter garden with snow-capped seed heads and hints of green. In this on-line workshop, participants will learn 20 native plants that are best as a winter highlight in the home garden and tips on supporting nesting wild bees, overwintering butterflies, and songbirds throughout the cold winter months.
Hosted by the Horn Farm.
For Tickets: https://hornfarmcenter.org/civimessages/?civiwp=CiviCRM&q=civicrm%2Fevent%2Finfo&reset=1&id=729
The Zoom link will be emailed to you after registration.
On-line class
Our home gardens are often designed for the warm growing season, overlooking the potential of a stunning winter garden with snow-capped seed heads and hints of green. In this on-line workshop, participants will learn 20 native plants that are best as a winter highlight in the home garden and tips on supporting nesting wild bees, overwintering butterflies, and songbirds throughout the cold winter months.
Hosted by Homefields.
For Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/native-plants-for-winter-interest-and-wildlife-tickets-134654448079
The Zoom link will be emailed to you after registration.
As gardeners, winter is often viewed as an opportunity to honker down in the indoors and browse seed catalogs and design your next habitat garden. Although these are all valuable practices, there is plenty to keep your heart pumping and spirits lifted in the outdoors this winter! In this on-site workshop, be hands-on in developing the skills for 4 ecological gardening practices that are ideal in the winter, including seeding native mini-meadows and invasive species management. Please dress warmly for the outdoors and BYO sturdy shoes, pruners, and water bottle.
Rain/Snow Date: Saturday, Jan. 30th 9:30am-Noon
Purchase Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/winter-ecological-gardening-workshop-tickets-134534962695
Note: Masks and social distancing will be in effect. In the event of a cancellation due to inclement weather we hope you can join us on the rain date of 1/30. If that date does not work, please feel free to transfer your ticket to a friend.
You are invited to join fellow tree lovers in a rapid forest building workshop, facilitated by Elyse Jurgen, ecological gardener and educator. Explore the experimental restoration technique called the Miyawaki Method by being hands on in the planting of over 300 native tree and shrub saplings of 13 species, including Spicebush, Oak, Redbud, and Serviceberry.
The Miyawaki Method, originated in Japan by acclaimed ecologist Akira Miyawaki, has demonstrated 10 times the growth rate of conventional tree plantings, even in challenging urban conditions. As a result, a multitude of ecological functions are more rapidly realized, such as:
Carbon sequestration to combat climate change
Building biodiversity
Providing supportive habitat for wildlife
Growing botanical medicines and edibles
Capturing stormwater runoff
Regenerating soil health
and more!
Gain the skills and confidence to apply the process practiced on site at Homefields to your next home lawn conversion project or a shared community space.
Please inquire about scholarships for underrepresented communities. Space is limited to 12 participants. Please wear sturdy shoes and bring your favorite planting tool. Workshop will be held outdoors and masks are required.
Raindate: Saturday, November 14th at 1:30-4pm
To purchase tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rapid-forest-building-workshop-tickets-126353740439
This workshop will take place outdoors and seating will be socially distanced. A hand-washing station is on-site, but please wear a mask and bring gloves and your favorite trowel.
Have you heard the news about dwindling bee and bird populations and feel inspired to take action, but don’t know where to start? A solution to rebound these critical wildlife populations rest right in your backyard! In this workshop, gain the basic native garden skills and hands-on experience of converting a section of lawn into viable habitat to support critical wildlife species.
This workshop will give you confidence to put the skills to work in your own backyard! The first hour of the workshop will explore the fundamentals of ecological site prep and plant placement, based on the plant species’ sociabilities (growing pattern and organization) to create a native garden design on the Homefields farm property. The remaining two hours will be a hands-on installation of the group’s crafted native garden design.
Participants will be given free native landscape plugs to add to your own home landscape, courtesy of Homefields’ volunteer native plant grower, Matt Dilley. For the outside installation, please wear sturdy shoes and bring your favorite planting trowel, sun protection, and reusable water container.
To purchase tickets: https://www.homefields.org/talks-in-the-fields-1/2020/6/20/native-garden-design-amp-build-workshop-fgjlw
Whether your have a small balcony or large yard, learn how you can build a habitat that will help our world's dwindling wildlife rebound!
Are you itching to take action on building a backyard habitat (front yards, side yards, and small container gardens are equally valuable too!) to help rebound dwindling wildlife populations? You can get started today in the vital work of being an ecological gardener! In this presentation, gain insight from the 5 E’s of Ecological Gardening to get your garden planned and buzzing. Whether your garden canvas is a 10 sq. ft. balcony or 10,000 sq. ft. sea of grass, be inspired to get to work rebuilding biodiversity in your piece of the planet.
To Register for this Free Zoom Lecture: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nature-hour-rebuilding-biodiversity-in-your-own-backyard-tickets-107853966116?trk_msg=368LH30C2IHK56Q6UTBT5DK8QK&trk_contact=PRDGGS8HSEA1BGCL9RIJ66L2LO&trk_module=new&trk_sid=8M07AQUDCRAL6060AMSASTN8GS
Free Landscape Plugs!
Have you heard the news about dwindling bee and bird populations and feel inspired to take action, but don’t know where to start? A solution to rebound these critical wildlife populations rest right in your backyard! In this workshop, gain the basic native garden skills and hands-on experience of converting a section of lawn into viable habitat to support critical wildlife species.
This workshop will give you confidence to put the skills to work in your own backyard! The first hour of the workshop will explore the fundamentals of ecological site prep and plant placement, based on the plant species’ sociabilities (growing pattern and organization) to create a native garden design on the Homefields farm property. The remaining two hours will be a hands-on installation of the group’s crafted native garden design.
Participants will be given free native landscape plugs to add to your own home landscape, courtesy of Homefields’ volunteer native plant grower, Matt Dilley. For the outside installation, please wear sturdy shoes and bring your favorite planting trowel, sun protection, and reusable water container.
To purchase tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/native-garden-design-build-workshop-tickets-96227588307
Do you find yourself in a habit of using wood mulch each year in your garden beds to suppress weeds? In this interactive online Zoom workshop, learn how to integrate native groundcovers (“green or living mulch”) amidst your perennial beds to reduce the time and energy spent towards editing out unwanted plants. This layer of your landscape also has the potential to hold the greatest plant diversity, helping to rebound dwindling pollinator populations! Through mimicking natural landscapes in your home garden, you can cut back on the financial and time resources used to apply wood mulch and spend more time enjoying the garden you created. Participants will practice a hands-on plant layering technique that they can use for future planning of their home landscape.
This workshop will take place via Zoom. Meeting instructions will be emailed to registered attendees in advance of the date.
To purchase tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/green-mulch-using-native-plants-as-ground-covers-tickets-96227453905
*Canceled due to COVID-19 pandemic. Possible Fall 2020 dates are being explored for this event.
“Green Mulch”: Using Native Plants as Groundcovers
In this interactive presentation, learn how to integrate native groundcovers throughout your garden beds to support wildlife and reduce the time and energy spent towards editing out unwanted plants. Through mimicking natural landscapes in your home garden, you can cut back on the financial and time resources used to apply wood mulch and spend more time enjoying the garden you created. Participants will practice a hands-on plant layering technique that they can use for future planning of their home landscape.
No registration required.