Waxwing’s mission was generated from the heart. In all the ecological services we provide (gardening, restoration, and education), it is essential that we involve YOU. Your observations, vision, and hands-on participation. Why? We believe that participation builds a compassionate culture within our community that is needed to reverse the biodiversity crisis.
Some say that this is bad business. We teach our customers how to exactly do our services; lawn conversions, non-chemical invasive removal, etc. What may seem like bad business ends up fueling a movement that feeds back into our mission. Those that are patiently waiting for their ecological project designs understand that in fact business is thriving. Habitat building work is in hot demand, in gratitude to you being inspired after a productive work day and sharing your enthusiasm within your communities!
Captured here are two photo journalism stories taken place this Fall. The first featuring our Ecological Garden “wing” (Blossom Hill Mennonite Church) and the second series of photos showcasing our New! Ecological Restoration “wing” (Mount Gretna Meadow Restoration). Enjoy perusing our community’s participation!
Blossom Hill Mennonite Church (Phase I)
Blossom Hill Mennonite congregation gathered in early November 2024 to impressively sheet mulch over 4,000 square feet of underutilized lawn. A “soft landing” under a beautiful oak was site prepped, along with 2 other large pods with 10 ft. sweeping mowable paths interweaved. We are all excited for Spring 2025, when thousands of beautiful native blossoms will be plugged for beauty and biodiversity.
Congrats Blossom Hill for faithfully muscling through Phase I! Grateful for the Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake Bay for their financial contributions to help make this “building biodiversity” vision come to fruition.
Mount Gretna Meadow Restoration (Phase I)
This week we accomplished Phase I of Mount Gretna’s (Chautauqua Community) Soldier’s Field Meadow Restoration. The nearly 1-acre of beautiful existing little bluestem, broomsedge, poverty oat grass, and pockets of pussytoes meadow is pressured by adjacent cool season field fescues and foxtail. We worked a solid 7 hrs. hand digging out these less ecologically valuable species and creating openings that will receive a colorful custom made PA eco-type seed mix in February 2025. Non-chemical interventions and education to support the ecological literacy of the community is this “building biodiversity” project’s focus. The 3 visiting bluebirds approved of our non-toxic techniques!
Congrats on impressively muscling through Phase I, members of Mount Gretna and Chautauqua communities!
Do you have a community project that needs a facilitator to guide educational outreach and an ecological service? We would love to collaborate with you to bring ease into the planning and expedite the opportunity to heal our communities and build beautiful habitats!